North London Mental Health &Community Branch

                                              CONTACT US   

                                                         0208 702 5632


Welcome to UNISON
Why and how to join UNISON
What's happening in the branch
Where to get help
How to get in touch
Membership services
Useful links

Press Releases


Branch Address:


Cherry Building

Lesley Fisher Suite

St Ann's Hospital

St Ann's Road


N15 3TH


Phone:0208 702 56 32

Fax    : 0208 442 61 23   





If you have a work problem or query, get in touch with your

UNISON workplace representative. Alternatively, you can ring


   • All other queries to



Rose Minty-Tutton                                                            Ann Horsfall
Branch Secretary   
                                                                            Branch Chair                                             


North London Mental Health & CommunityBranch is run by a branch commitee and supported

by skilled staff, locally, regionally and nationally and based at St Ann's Hospital

                    Workplace reps:



Christina Davis-Barzey 

Branch Tresurer

 Helen Holmes LGBT Officer

Clare Groves Disability Officer


Andy Talbot Health & Safety Officer 


Ram Deenoo

Retired Members Officer


Josh Bernard Health & Safety Officer


All members of UNISON North London Mental Health & Community Branch can attend branch meetings,

vote and stand in branch elections and get involved in our campaigns and activities.

We are always looking for people who feel they can contribute to the branch and to

helping other members. This could be a regular commitment or just the occasional hour

or so. We also provide training courses and support for our reps and officers.

Contact 0208 702 5632 if you would like to find out more.



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Sourced from  UNISON

UNISON, UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY. Telephone: 0800 0 857 857